A framework to create bootstrap styled HTML reports from knitr Rmarkdown.
A framework to create bootstrap styled HTML reports from knitr Rmarkdown.
All the examples include a css style switch, so you can try out the various styles from bootswatch.
You can install the latest released version from CRAN.
If you want to install the latest development version use the devtools package.
install_github(username='jimhester', repo='knitrBootstrap')
Reports can be built within R, a Makefile, by RStudio or with Vim.
You can use the included Makefile to generate html reports from Rmd files from the command line. If you have a file file.Rmd and you want to create file.html use
make file.html
#with bootstrap style chooser
make CHOOSER=c('boot') file.html
#with code style chooser
make CHOOSER=c('code') file.html
#with both
make CHOOSER=c('boot', 'code') file.html
make file.html
make file_inline.html
Simply source the following code in RStudio before you knit your reports. See http://www.rstudio.com/ide/docs/authoring/markdown_custom_rendering for more information.
options(rstudio.markdownToHTML =
function(inputFile, outputFile) {
knit_bootstrap_md(input=inputFile, output=outputFile)
Using the Vim-R-Plugin put the following function in your .vimrc to create the file directly with knitr and the markdown package
function! RMakeHTML_2()
call RSetWD()
let filename = expand("%:r:t")
let rcmd = "require('knitrBootstrap');
\knit_bootstrap(\"" . filename . ".Rmd\")"
if g:vimrplugin_openhtml
let rcmd = rcmd . '; browseURL("' . filename . '.html")'
call SendCmdToR(rcmd)
"bind RMakeHTML_2 to leader kk
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>kk :call RMakeHTML_2()<CR>
Pandoc can use the same files, but some things do not quite work due to markdown conversion differences between the markdown package and pandoc. Use at your own risk!
If your markdown filename is example.md you can use the header html
pandoc -H knitr_bootstrap.html example.md -o example.html
All of the examples include style toggles for both bootstrap and the code highlighting. The knit_bootstrap function has boot_style and code_style arguments if you want to use an alternative style by default.